Thursday, December 25, 2008


Ran across this on a Morgellons forum, you can find the forum thread here

Please help spread the word about the upcoming Morgellons conference in Austin, Texas! Last year's conference was a stunning success! Let's keep the momentum going! Everyone is invited to attend! Registration is only $25 and more information will soon be forthcoming! Don't miss out on a chance to help make medical history! Confirmed Speakers & Guests so far: Randy Wymore, Ph.D.
Dr. Rhonda Casey, N.O.
Ginger Savely, NP Ph.D.

David Gibbs, MPH, Disability Specialist
Cliff Mickelson, Morgellons Journalist & Musical Guest

The Charles E. Holman Foundation • P.O. Box 92674 • Austin , TX . 78709 • Fax 903-639-2461 • PRESENTS Morgellons 2nd Annual Conference SAVE THE DATE! 2009 Scientific/Medical Conference April 4, 2009 Westoak Woods Baptist Church 2900 Slaughter Lane Austin, TX
Topics, Speakers, Special Musical Guest, Registration, Hotel Accommodations, and MORE.... Information Coming Soon!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Link Between Morgellon's Disease and Genetically Modified "GM" Food

Article I ran across:  You can find the whole text here

"Just in case you thought it was fine to eat Genetically Modified foods (better identified as "FrankenFoods"), along comes a study which makes it clear that you are eating this make believe non-food at your own peril and, worse yet, you are feeding it to your kids at their peril as well. It is important to note that Codex Alimentarius, which sets standards for the international trade of food, permits genetically modified foods and makes no effort to limit, control or eliminate them. In fact, the US has been trying for years to prevent the labeling of GM foods and seed in international trade to emulate its domestic policy which prohibits any label indication that foods contain GM ingredients, as 75-80% of all foods sold in the US do.

Now it appears that the increasingly prevalent nightmare of a disease called "Morgellon's Disease" may be a result of GM crops and food.

Morgellon's Disease was first described when a woman's 3 year old son developed rashes and intensely itchy sores which produced weird multicolor fibers emerging from his skin. She put up a website about the condition in 2001 and named it "Morgellons Disease" after a 17th century report of a similar affliction."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

CDC Website Regarding the Mogellons Disease Investigation

The CDC has a page on their website discussing their new investigation into Morgellon's Disease. There is also a Q&A at the bottom of the page.

The suffering that many people associate with this condition is best addressed by a careful, objective scientific analysis. Considering the complexity of this condition, we believe that a measured and thorough approach offers the best chance for finding useful answers.
To learn more about this condition, CDC is conducting an epidemiologic investigation. CDC has awarded a contract to Kaiser Permanente's Northern California Division of Research to assist CDC in the investigation of this condition. The study is being designed and led by CDC.
The primary goals of the investigation are to help us learn more about who may be affected with this condition, the symptoms they experience, and to generate hypotheses about factors that may contribute to it. The investigation will involve: determining the clinical and epidemiologic features of this condition; assessing the histopathology of skin biopsies from affected patients; characterizing foreign material such as fibers or threads obtained from persons with the condition; describing the geographic distribution of this condition; and estimating rates of illness among the study population.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Morgellons Treament News: Earth Water Baths Inc.

Morgellons Syndrome is epidemic worldwide with"creeping-crawling' sensations and skin lesions extruding fibers. Healing Research Institute developed treatment to extract toxins and foreign material in Morgellons subjects.

For Immediate Release
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif./EWORLDWIRE/Aug. 21, 2008 --- Morgellons Syndrome has become a worldwide epidemic, and Earth Water Baths Inc. has teamed up with Healing Research Institute to develop Morgellons' treatments.

Carlos Lerma, president of Earth Water Baths Inc. said, "We brought together the natural healing and extraction materials from the earth known for thousands of years but re-discovered as effective treatment for Morgellons Syndrome."

Dr. George Schwartz, consultant to Healing Research Institute, directed Morgellons testing. "The bathing formulas, through extraction of toxins and foreign material, allows the normal immune system to function," he said. "Of all the treatments we have studied including anti-parasitic medications, silver preparations and even medications against lice and scabies, earth water baths offers the most benefit for Morgellons Disease."

Commenting on the widespread belief that the Morgellons' condition is psychiatric and delusional parasitosis, he emphasized, "Regardless of origin - and there are many theories, the use of Earth Water Baths ( results in rapid relief and healing of lesions."

The mysterious Morgellons Disease has been featured on the Dr. Phil Show as well as on 20-20 and many local news stations. Morgellons is particularly prevalent in Florida, California and Texas, but there are reports of Morgellons Disease in all states, as well as in Canada, Europe, Asia Australia, Outer Tasmania and Africa.

Find out more about Earth Water Baths online at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Morgellons for the Paranoid

I ran across this posting and took a look around the author's site too.  If you are the type who is paranoid of just about everything, you might want to stop by:  Click here for the site

"Everyone is getting sick lately. Coughs, skin problems, auto immune problems. The chemtrail activity has been high too. The spraying is almost everyday, and days that are sunny are soon overcast. A heavy (metallic I’m guessing) fog during most mornings too. Because the crap in the aerosol is so heavy?
What does this have to do with children? I saw a baby shortly before writing this. I held her and she looked at my face intently. Like she was examining it with a curious intelligence. Like she could see something that the adults were oblivious to. She grabbed my face and pulled. I go home, and I’ve been itchy lately. I have a sensitive body because I’ve been through so much. I itch my face and pull a hair out. It’s this thick hair with a sheath of goop. I’ve known for awhile about chemtrails and the bio agents that the U.S. corporation govern-mente has been spraying. It turns out these could be nano infections/mycoplasma that climb into the pores and use the tissue to grow. I’ve also read that they are ancient parasitic insects, or mold. From the research I’ve done, morgellons is a word that may represent many different things.
There are a lot of chemtrails where I live, even on a blue sky day (as blue as it gets with the chemicals in the air) there is a thick haze that goes up about 400 ft. We’re literally getting dumped on. I first noticed the abnormal hair and itching when I started using my cell phone more. This indicates a response to electromagnetic radiation. My conclusion is that it is nano technology, and that we’re being experimented on (by those projecting their own savagery and deception). This isn’t going to stop until there’s no more people to kick around, or people stand up and demand answers/do something about it. I’m writing this because few if anyone I know would listen to it. There’s grids in the sky, unnatural clouds and these strange occurrences and yet people ignore it. I know there are people out there who are awake though.
I’m not sure if morgellons are dispersed with the chemtrails, or if it goes higher than the ones controlling the spraying. Maybe they were created by nature to clean us out, or something not of this world. I do know that chemtrails weaken the immune system, which would make people more susceptible to infections. At any rate we’re like test animals on this planet and that is not right. No one is going to save us for us though. We have to become our own swords of justice and virtue. The holy spirit works from within. A parasite can’t be beat from the outside in. You have to think inside out. It is invading and has no right to invade. Open your eyes and take a stand. It’s your body, your mass."

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kaiser Permanente and CDC Collaborate in Mogellons Study

Article from the National Lyme Report

By Miguel Perez-Lizano

Morgellons is a disease that has garnered widespread attention in the past few years. The cause of the disease is unknown. The most significant aspect of the disease is the growth of multicolored fibers erupting from lesions in the skin. Many patients with Morgellons also have documented Lyme disease, and Morgellons patients typically have symptom overlap with Lyme disease.

This disease is not a new disease. In the past doctors have dismissed Morgellons sufferers with a diagnosis of delusional parasitosis – a psychiatric condition in which a patient believes parasites are crawling in their bodies. I know one Morgellons sufferer who is an intelligent, normal professional and was given this diagnosis. Dismissive use of the term “delusional parasitosis” should be a red flag that signifies the uninformed, uncaring doctors who parrot this diagnosis to hide their ignorance and laziness.

The Centers for Disease Control has awarded Kaiser Permanente a grant to study Morgellons in their patient population in Northern California. The CDC uses Kaiser for studies because of their captive member base. All, or most, records for health care received reside at Kaiser and can be retrieved. In addition, patients included in clinical trials can be easily tracked. This also avoids the expense of enrolling people in clinical trials or studies.

Read the rest of the article here

Thursday, January 24, 2008

CDC Website Regarding Morgellons Disease and Investigation

The CDC has a page on their website discussing their new investigation into Morgellon's Disease. There is also a Q&A at the bottom of the page.

The suffering that many people associate with this condition is best addressed by a careful, objective scientific analysis. Considering the complexity of this condition, we believe that a measured and thorough approach offers the best chance for finding useful answers.

To learn more about this condition, CDC is conducting an epidemiologic investigation. CDC has awarded a contract to Kaiser Permanente's Northern California Division of Research to assist CDC in the investigation of this condition. The study is being designed and led by CDC.

The primary goals of the investigation are to help us learn more about who may be affected with this condition, the symptoms they experience, and to generate hypotheses about factors that may contribute to it. The investigation will involve: determining the clinical and epidemiologic features of this condition; assessing the histopathology of skin biopsies from affected patients; characterizing foreign material such as fibers or threads obtained from persons with the condition; describing the geographic distribution of this condition; and estimating rates of illness among the study population.

Friday, January 18, 2008

CDC To Launch Morgellons Study

The Center for Disease Control, CDC, is finally launching a study of Morgellon's Disease sufferers.

CDC News Release

Contact: CDC Division of Media Relations
CDC To Launch Study on Unexplained Illness

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in conjunction with Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California Division of Research launched a study to learn about an unexplained skin condition known as Morgellons. Persons who suffer from this condition report a range of symptoms including non-healing skin lesions associated with the emergence of fibers or solid material from the skin, abnormal skin sensations (such as stinging and biting or pins and needles) and non-cutaneous symptoms such as difficulty concentrating and short-term memory loss. Researchers hope to learn more about who might be affected, what symptoms they experience, and factors that may contribute to their illness. "We earnestly want to learn more about this unexplained illness which impacts the lives of those who suffer from it," said Dr. Michele Pearson, principal investigator leading the study for CDC. "Those who suffer have questions, and we want to help them."

CDC will identify patients in Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California Health Plan to enroll in the study. The Kaiser Permanente Division of Research was awarded a $338,000 contract to assist CDC in this investigation because of the organization’s location in a geographic area where self-reported cases are concentrated, the size of the patient population to draw from (Kaiser Permanente covers approximately 30 percent of the Northern California population), and its ability to systematically identify Kaiser Permanente patients who may have this unexplained illness.

"CDC is taking a multifaceted approach to this investigation with other external partners including the Armed Forces Pathology Institute," Dr. Pearson said. "We have a team of epidemiologists, laboratorians, and pathologists to carry out the study," Dr. Pearson added. The primary goals of the investigation are to better describe the clinical and epidemiological features of this condition and to generate hypothesis about possible risk factors.

The investigation may take 12 months or longer to complete. Initially investigators will identify and recruit participants and collect detailed information on participants’ symptoms and potential factors that may contribute to the condition. Later eligible participants will undergo detailed clinical evaluations, including a general medical examination, dermatologic examination, mental health examination, skin biopsies, and multiple blood tests.

Results of this investigation will most likely be published in CDC’s weekly bulletin called the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report or a peer-reviewed scientific journal. A designated web site and voice message line with prerecorded messages (404-718-1199) has been established and will provide updates about the investigation and new information as it becomes available. Interested persons are encouraged to visit the CDC’s Unexplained Dermopathy/Morgellons web site ( to obtain current information about CDC activities related to this condition.

CDC Website Link

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Morgellons Mystery

Good five page article in Psychology Today:

The Morgellons Mystery
A just-christened illness involves disorientation, multi-colored fibers bursting from sores, and the sensation of bugs crawling under the skin. Is this an age-old delusion or a disturbing new disease?

By: Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn

Read it here

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Topical Skin Treatments for Morgellons Disease

I ran across a website with some suggestions for topical treatment of Morgellons Disease. As always, take a cautious approach when using an untried medicinal regimen. There is quite a bit of documentation and links at the bottom of the page, too.

Link to the site is here